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New Post 1/15/2008 12:41 PM
User is offline jud
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No Ranking

How to get my foot in the door?  

I am trying to get my foot in the door as an entry level BA but have not been successful thus far. I have an MBA with an MIS concentration but have been working in a different field. In theory, I know a lot about what a BA does, SDLC etc. The problem is I have no hands on experience and hence my problem. I anyone has any suggestions, please I would greatly appreciate it.



New Post 1/15/2008 1:48 PM
User is offline Adrian M.
765 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: How to get my foot in the door?  

Can you provide some more info before we can give you suggestions (just making sure we steer you in the right direction):

  • Do you have any work experience (prior to MBA)?  If yes, what industry and role?
  • Do you have an interest (love for) any specific vertical industry or domain (banking, health care, pharmaceuticals, etc.)?  If yes, you might want to look for jobs in that field.
  • Have you considered working as in intern somewhere for volunteering your time on a project just to get the experience?  It might be less or no money but the experience might be priceless.
  • Have you considered a position at the large management consulting firms?  They tend to hire folks with brand new MBA degrees as junior analysts/consultants.  These consultants usually play the role of business analysts and get additional classroom and on the job training.

- Adrian

Adrian Marchis
Business Analyst Community Blog - Post your thoughts!
New Post 1/16/2008 7:44 AM
User is offline David Wright
141 posts
7th Level Poster

Re: How to get my foot in the door?  

Further to Adrian's comments: are you looking outside where you work now? Are there BA's where you work now? I would ceratinly start looking internally; if a BA position comes up, apply for it. When applying for any internal position, you always have the advantage of being a known quantity, and I think the MBA will be a big help.

Dave W

David Wright
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