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New Post 10/6/2009 3:36 AM
User is offline srikanth
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Interview Questions 

Hello All...

May be some questions could be simple ..but please help me in my thought process or how I should have given answer to the Interviewer..

1) Can you explain a process how you did by giving an example?

I gave explanation how I did in my job with a simple example -whille giving answer "I decided to give an answer in which I explain as-is process and to -be process(in short 2 min) and how I documented the processes and map gathered requirements (2 min) and I how I elicited usecases with those gathered requirements and used necessary UML in documenting SRS(2 min) which goes to developing team."

But later after I finished interview_(when rejected)-I felt that I shouldnt have given that answer I felt I should have explained in more detailed of each stage/phase involved and used tech and  outputs of that process like"every stage of Enterprices analysi, elicitation all tech used and stages, prioritising-I used methods and tech and all soln validations and assessment-in detailed way and explain I have handled the whole process in delivering"---"It takes time in aswering that"

So, I want to know how I should make a decision for such question which take time?-Thanks in advance!


2) How would you deal with the situation where u have to deliver things on time to clients and you havn't done  and getting delay -How you take steps  or what actions will you take to resolve?-

I said"gather all the team members involved in project and find the reason"- for delay and efficient steps to resolve that- But I would push them to make things done"...I know my answer doesnt sound upto mark,please help with more suitable answer?


3)Imagine that you have to document for development team who areinfront of you and team who are away from u, does it make any difference in documentation standards?

I said "yes"-he asked me why and how?- I said Why means-Devolopers infront -I know their priorities in document standards,UML,and direct communication is main rather than more documents-If team is away, I have to make a document that can be suitable to any one. Perhaps team infront of me I make version 3 if away I have to stop at version 2.

Please help with comments on this question?


4) How would you define BA life cycle? I was reading BABOK and I said the main chapter names and answered that req signoff is main milestone-But pleas help with correct answer?

Thanks in advance,


New Post 10/7/2009 12:36 AM
User is offline Adrian M.
765 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: Interview Questions 
Modified By Adrian M.  on 10/7/2009 3:37:28 AM)

Hi Srikanth,

Unfortunatelly - there is no one right answer.  The answer depends on the situation.

Having interviewed many business analysts, I can tell you that in most cases when the interviewer asks open ended questions (such as the ones above) they are not looking for a specific answer.  They really want to find out if you've done analysis before, can you think on your feet, etc.

For example, on # 2 above - "The project is late, the client is not happy" so getting together to figure out what went wrong and how to mitigae this in the future will only make the project even later since everybody who is supposed to work on the project is now doing something else. 

A good decision maker's thinking would be around the line of: "Crap - that's not good!  Remind me to do a formal post-mortem after this nightmare is over to figure out what went wrong (and maybe who to fire).  In the meantime - we need to figure out what can be done by the deadline given the available resources, go before the client and beg for mercy (the good news is this is not the first IT project they worked on - so they know late is the norm - at least they'll appreciate my honesty),  and make sure that we can deliver what reduced scope on time and within budget or else I'll have to look for another job."

Cracking the whip will never work - since there are reasons why the team is late and doing more in less time will rarely work.

Another note, on # 4 above - if your answer was trully "the main chapter of BABOK says..." that is never a good answer as it tells me that the only understanding this candidate has of business analysis comes from reading the BABOK.  Nothing wrong with the BABOK - but don't recite it in an interview.  Most employers are looking for BAs who can think not just memorize.

For # 2, 3, 4 above my answers would have started with "It depends!"

Hope this helps!

- Adrian

Adrian Marchis
Business Analyst Community Blog - Post your thoughts!
New Post 10/14/2009 4:02 AM
User is offline srikanth
33 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Interview Questions 

Thanks Adrian-I appriciate your comments and certainly it helps in my preparation for Interviews.



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