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New Post 3/25/2008 9:49 AM
User is offline SC
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9th Level Poster

Re: Getting back on track as BA 
Modified By Adrian M.  on 3/28/2008 2:17:54 PM)


Hey Ash,

I don't mind to talk anywhere ... you name it !

USA Education sounds like a "WOW" ... however, it is a very competitive area ... first thing a recruiter probably like to see the weight of the experience. Yes, I've learned those things back in school ... my 2nd internship program was completely related to it ... but I still lack of a real life good experience. I guess I need to sit for some interviews to learn more about recruiters' requirements as well as be educated to sell thy self. That is why I'm only targeting entry level / junior BA positions ... interesting thing is >>>> recruiters are asking for almost the same experiences that they ask for senior positions :)

I've been preparing for last three months ... I took as much as possible suggestions from the forums (this forum has tons of resources to guide to be prepared) ... at the same I have been editing my resume for almost every day. It is in a shape now ... do not know how well or bad is it .... unless I get calls for interviews and learned more lessons in the hard way. Simultaneously, I've been reviewing and reading books ... the books were suggested in the forum and the BABOK guideline (300 pages almost).


Yesterday for the first time I sent my Junior BA resume "live" through monster and workopolis ... in the afternoon I got a call though (now that was a "wow" for a fast response :)) ).

I guess I'm so determined and so desperate to switch to the area (BA) ... so I know I'll ! I've given myself a 6 months goal / target to land a job in the field. Just in case nothing happens within next three months, I'll take one or two courses only to give a better look of my resume.


What else? Well, stay in touch ... my profile is here . We may sit, talk, email, and share thoughts here in the forum ... whatever you prefer.

Just don't give up. Good luck !
New Post 3/26/2008 6:05 AM
User is offline ashley cruz
7 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Getting back on track as BA 

Hello! I tried checking your profile but the link does not display the designated page. 

Hey, thanks for sharing your action plans so far.  I am now more determined to continue with my plan to change careers. Maybe I am not yet as keen as you on re-shifting careers since I haven't done much yet to achieve my goal, but now I am thinking that if I really want this, I would have to do something now!  As it is now, I do not feel confident on taking on even a junior BA role.  As yo uhave said, they have the same requirements as senior BAs! :) If only there are trainee or mentee positions, I would love to go through those first.  Or maybe, I need to take a courses on business analysis and hopefully get a trainee job after I finish the course, also through them.  Would you know of any that would be good but not very expensive? I have looked at the courses given by George Brown and Ryerson...but I am not sure if I can afford them at this time. 

I would like to get in touch with you more so I can be updated on how your applications have gone so far. Would you have an email where I can get in touch with you? Thanks.

New Post 3/26/2008 7:38 AM
User is offline SC
20 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Getting back on track as BA 
Modified By Adrian M.  on 3/28/2008 2:18:24 PM)


Sorry about the profile ... the link isn't working ... you may go to this site's member profile and find me there (Profile name: SC) .

Well, if you can afford to go through trainee positions, will not be a bad idea to start with ! There is a site where you may find internships/co-ops opportunities at GTA  ... it is bookmarked at  my home pc ... I'll provide u soon.

I was checking also the costs of those courses and which are really really expensive. However, you may see this site which offers very reasonable prices for few courses ... !

Also read this thread ... (click "Previous" to see the post from the beginning) ... which tells to broaden your searches for the entry level positions.

Since yesterday I've started talking to people online to connect  more people (networking, networking, networking) ... just in case there is one out there give me the hand to land a job ... am I getting too desperate???? ... yes, please do email me at  ... [email protected]  ( [email protected]  ) !


New Post 3/28/2008 9:58 AM
User is offline ashley cruz
7 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Getting back on track as BA 

Hello Newbie.

Thanks for giving me your email address.  I will just keep in touch with you on that address.  Thanks again and good luck to you!

New Post 3/28/2008 11:21 AM
Online now... Adrian M.
765 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: Getting back on track as BA 

FYI: I fixed the link in your post to the profile... the link contained an extra space at the end.

Adrian Marchis
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