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New Post 3/17/2008 2:00 PM
User is offline LaSheka
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New Transition 

Hello, I have 10 years of administrative experience and I'm seeking the opportunity to transition from the administrative role into a business analyst position. I have a Bachelors in Business Management. Do you have any suggestions you can give me to get a starting position as an Analyst.



New Post 3/19/2008 11:43 AM
Online now... Adrian M.
765 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: New Transition 
Modified By Adrian M.  on 3/19/2008 3:56:04 PM)

It sounds like you might have a good foundation on the business side so you need to gain some knowledge of the actual "craft" of Business Analysis.

To start, here's what I would recommend:

  • Take at least one comprehensive course in business analysis in order to get an idea of what the profession is all about and the common activities, tools, and techniques employed by business analysts;
  • Identify an industry/business domain in which you have strong interest or in which you already have experience - consider beginning your BA career in that field;
  • Pick up a couple of books on business analysis and begin your learning journey.  Check out: Modern Analyst Bookstore

- Adrian

Adrian Marchis
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