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New Post 9/16/2008 3:14 AM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: Requirements modeled for the death star 
Modified By Craig Brown  on 9/16/2008 5:25:13 AM)



Take a look at this blog on network analysis to have your suspicions verified.

As for the Death Star, I am afraid you have more than one stakeholder. In Death Star 1 you are close to right - Darth is an engaged sponsor and so is around to deal with design deciions, requirements prioritisation etc.

You'll note that in ROTJ when Death Start 2 is being built Darth has been away and arrives midway through the development stage - and that it is already over budget and late.  Features are being descoped left and right. (Never compromise on security people.)

Is this because the Emporor is a less engaged sponsor and has left the key decisions to his middle and frontline managers?

But I digress - this is a BA forum, not a PM one.


I want those plans!


New Post 9/16/2008 3:26 AM
User is offline Guy Beauchamp
257 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Requirements modeled for the death star 


there was no link on to the blog...?

In DS 1 Darth may be an enagaged sponsor but as he is only the monkey and not the organ grinder I need the Emporor. Nothing less will do if I want the real requirements and not just the dreaded comment that "I know what the real killer stakeholder would say" when 9 times out of 10 they don't and all those 'decisions' they take get overridden and I have to redo the analysis.

With regards to DS 2 - I didn't even know there was one and bow to your superior geekdom.

BTW - is this a first for comparing Darth Vader to a monkey?


New Post 9/16/2008 5:26 PM
User is offline David Wright
141 posts
7th Level Poster

Re: Requirements modeled for the death star 

oooohhhhhkay, getting in the mood now...where are those Agile Rebels?

David Wright
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