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New Post 10/15/2012 11:28 AM
User is offline sapna
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BPM Engines 

 Hi All,

I am currently trying to use Bonita Studio. I see that to model a process, I need to configure the variables and connectors. This doesn not seem like a BA job, it seem a bit technical. 

1. Is this how BPM engines are?

2. Are BAs expected to do this(as the Bonita site says that BAs can model their process)?



New Post 10/15/2012 11:46 AM
User is offline Chris Adams
323 posts
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Re: BPM Engines 


I'm not familiar with Bonita Studio or why and how the connectors are used as part of the process modeling work.  But BPM is a growing area of work for business analysts.  Are you concerned about the more technical aspect because you don't have the technical knowledge?  If so, this is a great opportunity to partner with a developer or DB designer in your organization to LEARN.

In my experience, anytime a BA has the chance to gain technical knowledge they should welcome it and learn as much as they can.  This differentiates you within your field.


Chris Adams
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New Post 10/26/2012 8:59 AM
User is offline sapna
3 posts
No Ranking

Re: BPM Engines 

 Thanks Chris! That was very informative. Actually, I was previously a software engineer. So, it is easy for me to pick-up these stuff. However, the company I am working for, expects that these changes be done by Customer Support(to reduce costs). So, I needed some confirmation to go back and say that this is not a Customer Support job. 

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