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New Post 7/24/2012 8:43 AM
User is offline Niks
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10th Level Poster

Creating BRD for Reporting Requirements 


The project I am currently working on has a BRD drafted which need some revisions.

During our last meeting , it was decided by the PM to break down BRD into two section.

1) Business Process

2) Report Card

So right now my task is to create a seperate BRD for report card. I hve got some requirements from the business. Report card is dependent on Business process for the data in order to generate report. Data from other DB will also be the part of Report card.

I am confused:

What could be the structure for the Report Card BRD and what non-functional requirements can be inherited from the business process.


Waiting for expert advice...



New Post 7/24/2012 12:27 PM
User is offline dldelancey
61 posts
8th Level Poster

Re: Creating BRD for Reporting Requirements 

What is the report card supposed to describe?  What are you grading, so to speak?

New Post 7/25/2012 6:23 AM
User is offline Niks
8 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Creating BRD for Reporting Requirements 


Report Card will be generated by the end of the year for each of the organization assoiciated with the Business Process.

This report card will give details about the performance of the Organization of the period of time.

Each Report card shall include 8 different dash board reports which will give a clear picture of the Organization performance.

New Post 7/25/2012 8:34 AM
User is offline dldelancey
61 posts
8th Level Poster

Re: Creating BRD for Reporting Requirements 

Ah, I misunderstood the original question.  I'm afraid I don't have any words of wisdom, however.  I don't write BRDs.  In this situation, I would most likely use some mockup tool (a whiiteboard works just as well as anything else) to gain consensus on the look and feel of the report card feature.  If the data is pulled from the business process, then reference that.


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