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New Post 2/3/2012 3:19 AM
User is offline Dipal
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Re: Use Case and FRD - HELP 

Hi Preet,

Yes, you can create the Use cases. Here, the Actors will be users that are receiving the notifications and accordingly completes the actions (like scheduling freight, editing report etc)

So, Actor can be: Shipping manager, Freight Scheduler, Report personnel, etc (This you can get from your current requirement)

ABC System can't be an actor, as in the USe case diagram, actors are all external entities who are directly working with the system.

Regarding your query; you can put the functions as use case in the diagram and text: like User can change words, user can generate reports, etc

You have to also, think on the alternate paths, business rules etc. So, your use case may contain the activity diagram, business rules and any prototype if you wish to create, can be incorporated.

As suggested by some user, always go by top to bottom approach. This will make your analysis robust.



New Post 2/16/2012 6:55 AM
User is offline Sravs
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Re: Use Case and FRD - HELP 

Hi Preeti,


First I would approach the project team (Peers, Manager) and find out if they are currently using any templates. I will read through the sample BRD and FRD currently or previously used by the project team. Therefore this will give you an idea on what is expected from you.

By reviewing the existing artifacts will help you understand how to develop your use case and what contents need to be added and also once you start working if you have additional information that you would like to add in your use case. You may also suggest couple of changes or updates to the existing template.

If you need further help. Please feel free to email me directly @ [email protected]. I will be more than happy to assist.




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