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New Post 5/30/2020 12:17 PM
User is offline Bounce1991
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Technical specs for developers  

There is a platform with an admin interface where clients can create accounts.


  1. X-Admin has all the permissions. Only a limited number of X-team' members can have Admin role.
  2. X-E is a type of role with almost the same permissions as an X-Admin except that it cant delete users
  3. X-R is a type of role that belongs to the X team. It's permissions are related to support for clients
  4. Partner-Admin is a partner or a client that created an account on the platform
  5. Partner-Editor is a user inside an organization created by a Partner or client
  6. Partner is the default resource in which partners and clients are placed in.
  7. Users are accounts created in the platform. It is not mandatory that users are linked to an organization
  8. All resources are stored in relational databases

This is the interaction diagram:


This is the permission matrix:


The request is that based on this information, assuming all users/organizations are already created, platform is build, create the appropriate documentation for the programmers/development team, using tasks and technical specifications, NOT user stories, in ANY granularity, in order for them to use this output for development and create this form of organization/roles/permissions.

Can someone help me with this?

New Post 6/4/2020 2:54 PM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Technical specs for developers  

Hi Bounce,

without looking at this too hard. Looks like there is a lot of inheritance of permissions and functionality happening.

Suggest you look at a UML Class diagram as one possible way to model it.


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