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New Post 10/5/2019 10:47 AM
User is offline rupee
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integration BRD 


currently working on BRD for lifecycle management. this is for a system transfer from home grown to a different software. and this will be my first BRD can any one help how to proceed? how can i best draft my BRD and what content should i work on?


thank you,

New Post 10/7/2019 11:26 AM
User is offline Usman_chiefoftheglen
9 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: integration BRD 

This is a huge question. Im assuming that you have a BRD template already in your organisation. It should generally have the following sections:

  • Project Goals and Objectives
  • Project scope
  • List of Stakeholders
  • Success factors
  • Business Requirements
  • Solution ( to-be processes, technical architecture)
  • Assumptions, Constraints and Risks
  • Quality control measures
Personally, I prefer to start with the business problem and try to work out the stakeholder needs. Then drill down into the specific requirements. This will be your most time consuming and critical areas to complete. You'll need to meet with your stakeholders and go through a coupe of cycles to get the requirements fully documented. 

Once you have those areas covered, move on to the other sections. I suggest you keep the Solution details till last. 


Good Luck!

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