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New Post 4/9/2013 2:23 AM
User is offline richard
1 posts
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job opportunities  

Hi everybody,

I am new to the forum and just wanted to try and get some general advice about getting work out in Australia. I have recently just arrived over here from the UK and i am looking for work as a Junior BA/PM in the contract market or with an opportunity for sponsership.

I have a relatively strong accademic and work experience background. I have a BSc Hon in IT management for business and a MSc in Enterprise Architecture, plus a lot of industry certs such as Agile project manager practioner, Prince 2, BSC business analsyis, ITIL service Management, MSproject, and TOGAFF. My work experience is getting on the graduate scheme for HP  where I have a couple of years experience working on various multi million pound projects in either a BA, solution architect, project management roles.

Any pointers, leads, or advice would be great?

Many thanks


New Post 4/9/2013 8:39 PM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: job opportunities  

Hi Richard,

I'm based in Sydney. Sounds like you're looking for sponshorship? If you are you'll find it (a lot) harder. Most recruiters will not look at you.

Best place to look for work in Australia is

Have you tried approaching the HP Australia operation? I used to work next door to them in North Ryde. Seems to me that's your first port of call.

If you make yourself cheap enough someone will pick you up. Where are you based?


New Post 8/7/2013 10:14 PM
User is offline Rajon Boozer
1 posts
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Re: job opportunities  

 Hello to everyone i am new here.Same as the post i am also looking for a job opportunity however i can't give any advice about it.

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