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New Post 1/13/2011 6:24 AM
User is offline schultmj
1 posts
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Further My career 

 Hi all!

I am new to this site and I recently graduated with a degree in Information Systems. I also am in the process of getting a computer science certificate in programming. I am going to be applying for jobs in the near future and I want to know how I can best prepare for the future. I have a GPA of 2.8, which many companies are looking for 3.0 or higher. If there are any tips that anyone can give me. I am kind of confused as to what to do, but I want to do the best thing to land me a great career. I want to know if there is something I could do so that they will overlook my semi-bad GPA and show them that I have the knowledge to do well in the position. 

Any tips with help:)



New Post 1/24/2011 10:47 AM
User is offline Laura Brandenburg
14 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Further My career 

 Congratulations on your new degree. Personally as a hiring manager I've never asked about a candidate's GPA. I was more concerned about their relevant work experience. Do you have strong work experiences and accomplishments you can draw on? Can you paint a picture of yourself as an employee who will have a significant positive impact on an organization? Do you have a history of volunteering and building relevant experiences? In my mind, if you can sell your experience or build your experience then sell it, you'll be able to overcome your lackluster GPA.



New Post 1/24/2011 5:01 PM
User is offline KJ
243 posts
6th Level Poster

Re: Further My career 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 1/24/2011 10:50:41 PM)



In OZ, we have an ENTER score. The ENTER score is a relative ranking (percentile), which means if you have an ENTER score of 87.34, then 12.61% of candidates did better than you (Max 99.95).  Computer science courses have lowered their ENTER scores, to attract more candidates. For example, Computer Science courses at Our Blue Stone universities have the highest ENTER scores (e.g. Melbourne University has 87.35) and our newer Universities (La Trobe has 65.00).




I have worked with BAs from most institutions and I must admit there is not much difference between them in the beginning years. So go out there and give your “Business Analyst” aspirations your best shot. Someone posted a list of five things you should do to advance your BA career, check them out in this Forum.




All the best!

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