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New Post 6/10/2009 5:46 PM
User is offline Shilan Patani
3 posts
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Can somone Help me with my Career 
I entered the world of consulting last year Jan 2008 and have been working as a graduate consultant ever since. I have done a number of projects with a number of clients. The current market trends have shifted in Perth, Australia and now i find myself being on the bench more. I find that this is not good for a career progression as from what i have read in the forums it takes a very long time to earn good money in consulting as this industry is very much based on how much experience and what you got to offer. I have done the Business Analysis Course and the Consulting course my company offered. I have studied a undergrad in Information systems and E commerce. I need advise as how to move forward in my career as i am stuck in the middle where i am very junior and limited experience. What can i do? I have spoken to my managers, i have had several meeting with them and produced learning plans etc but i feel as though there is something missing and i cant put my finger on it. I cant do any PMBOK courses or Prince2 courses because the minimum creteria is you need to be working in those environments for 2 years minimum or something along those lines. I thought of studying more but than thats time im loosing. I sound impatient but i really am not. I am just worried because i want to progress and i feel as though im not. Can someone advise me please? Many thanks to this forum.
New Post 6/19/2009 6:22 PM
User is offline Tom Miller, CSPO
45 posts
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Re: Can somone Help me with my Career 

While you can take courses that would prepare you for certification to learn more about being a BA you could also takes courses and/or read books and/or attend webinars.  If your consulting company will allow it you can also offer your services through online websites like "live person" or something as well as though

The consulting I have been involved with means your not making money if your not billing hours.  So I can understand your impatience.  Your going broke :(

If you have some e-commerce skills and e-lance to name just 2 will allow you to bid on e-commerce projects.

My understanding is you can take PMBOK courses.  You just can't sit for the exam.  Lowest cost online course I have seen is by Inquestra, a more expensive course is from and the most pricey ones are from Villinova U.

You can always start working on an online MBA :(

Hope this helps.




New Post 7/8/2009 1:25 AM
User is offline Shilan Patani
3 posts
No Ranking

Re: Can somone Help me with my Career 

Thanks for that reply. I mean lets face it doing courses doesnt mean career progression. The courses are benefitial if they have been practised in the projects etc..

I think doing a masters at this stage is not a good idea

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