Books for the Business Analyst

The Badass Business Analyst. Little Slice of BIG Truths: The insider's guide to becoming Badass Business Analyst so you can think, learn, and work differently

The Badass Business Analyst. Little Slice of BIG Truths: The insider's guide to becoming Badass Business Analyst so you can think, learn, and work differently
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Authors: Bob Prentiss, Amy Ruddell
Paperback: 189 Pages

Welcome to the insider's guide to becoming a Badass Business Analyst. I hear you want to think, learn, and work differently. Awesome. I have to warn you though, this is an unconventional book for Business Analysis. It is not full of diagrams and models. It does not tell you exactly what to do. It is definitely rated PG13. Notice there are no celebrity business analysis endorsements. Most books have all sorts of 'why you should buy this book' and 'I am so wonderful' kind of stuff on the back. Let's cut to the chase shall we? Fill in the blanks below and then you will know if you should buy this book or not.
I want to be a ______ _______ _______ because I give a _____ and I want to make a _______ in ________ lives.
HINT: Badass, Business, Analyst, Damn, Difference, People's.
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